Registration, News (Brock Minor Hockey Association)

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May 24, 2018 | Kari Graham | 1739 views
Registration will open up again for Atom, Peewee and Bantam until June 1st.

We are in search of more players (Atom, Peewee, Bantam) to better balance our team numbers.

**Reminder that rep tryouts start this weekend.**

Registration for Beginner, Mite and Midget 
ONLY will remain open until October 1, 2018.
This is for maximum registration for new children wanting to start playing hockey and for the Midgets who have options that are only available to that age group which was developed by Hockey Canada to encourage kids to stay in hockey longer.
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Beaverton Lions Club
The Orillia Lions Club formed the Lions Club of Beaverton in 1947 and presented us with our gong. The official chartering took place on January 20, 1948 with 31 charter members. Our club’s 50+ dedicated volunteers strive to make our community a better place. Our projects are aimed to improve our community's services and resources with a focus on children and youth activities on top of the Lion's 5 Global Causes of Diabetes, Vision, Hunger, Environment & Childhood Cancer. The Randy Skinner Family Splash Pad, Foster Hewitt Memorial Playground, Skate Park and paved Lions Loop are examples of the community work our club has accomplished in recent years. Our annual activities including the Winter Carnival, Canada Day Celebrations and Elimination Draw are designed to raise funds and have fun.