Proof of Vaccination Requirement, News (Brock Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 21, 2021 | Matt Gross | 1237 views
Proof of Vaccination Requirement
Hello Brock Minor Hockey Families

Please see below our communication regarding the Ontario Government Vaccination Mandate, and how it affects both Players and Spectators within Brock Minor Hockey. 

Please note that the OMHA Policy is already in effect, and the deadline for vaccination for players 12+ remains as October 31st 2001. The Provincial and Brock Township Policy regarding spectators, takes effect on Wednesday, September 22nd 2021.

OMHA Policy:


As you are aware OMHA released their Vaccination Policy earlier this month. Please find the latest version here, which outlines that this policy applies to:

  • players born in 2009 or earlier
  • Team officials (coaches, trainers, managers)
  • Game officials
  • Association officials
  • OMHA officials
  • Volunteers
  • Instructors (third party)


This policy currently does not apply to players born in 2010 or later or to spectators.  This policy requires that all affected persons are required to be fully vaccinated  (this includes the 14-day period after the completed dose) by October 31st, 2021 or earlier. Players who have not provided proof of vaccination by October 31st will not be able to participate in any OMHA sanctioned events (including practices) until the player can show proof of vaccination and the player is approved to return to play by OMHA.


Provincial and Brock Township Policy:


Based on the provincial mandate along with the Township of Brock, please note that as of Wednesday September 22nd, 2021 any person over the age of 12 entering the facility as a spectator will be required to show proof of vaccine status. Please see attached communication from the Township of Brock.


We also understand that along with these policies may come some hesitancy from our membership to continue the season.  Please be aware that if you have changed your mind an would like to withdraw your player(s) from the BMHA program you can do so by reaching out to Dave Parry (Treasurer) or Ben O’Grady (Registrar).  Please see the Executive link of the website for contact information.  The deadline to receive a full refund of any payments made to date for this season is Friday, September 24th.


If notification is not received by Friday, the player will be deemed to be playing the season, Jerseys will be ordered and registration filed with OMHA.

If the player decides to pull out of the program after the 24th of September, any costs incurred by BMHA up to that point in time will be non-refundable. Any applicable refunds will be dealt with on a case by case basis.


We would also like to remind our families that during this time until teams are formed, along with further guidance from coaches and the executive, each player should only have one parent/guardian attending to keep our spectators below or at 40 people.


We understand this is a challenging time, however we ask for your continued support, patience, and cooperation as we continue to navigate through ever changing protocols and guidelines to keep our players on the ice this season. 


Below are some answers to some of the questions we have received so far:


  1. Will this happen each game/practice? YES
  2. Is this in addition to the health screening at each game/practice? YES
  3. Can I enter the building only to dress my child very quickly, and then leave after that and not watch from the stands? NO. Double Vaccination is a hard requirement for ANY entry into the building, for any reason, no exceptions, per the policy.
  4. Can I send my child into the building with a family member or friend? YES, as long as they have proof of double vaccination.

If you have any questions, complaints, or concerns about this policy, please reach out to the Township of Brock as per the communication attached, as they will be enforcing these rules. Please note that Brock Minor Hockey must abide by Provincial, Municipal and OMHA guidelines and does not have the power to change these mandates.

Thank you,


Brock Minor Hockey Association Executive

ATT: Brock Township 
ATT: Brock Township COVID Protocols Township_Protocols.pdf
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