Weekend Ice Update
Now that our "early ice" in Sunderland is coming to a close, we would like to thank everyone for understanding that putting together our regular season schedule has had its challenges with ever changing protocols, changing registration numbers, having one of our arenas down and out for repairs for the first half of our season as well as allocating time to tryouts. We have worked hard alongside the township staff in the past few weeks to secure ice time that works in coordination with all other user groups to the Township of Brock in our arenas.
Please find the schedule for Saturday and Sunday below.
Saturday in Sunderland – September 25th
12 - Beginners
1 pm - U7 A&B
2 pm - U7 C&D
3 pm - U8
4 pm - U9 – Skate
5 - 6:30 pm - U11 – Skate
6:30 – 8 pm - U13 - Tryout
8 - 9:30 pm - U15 – Skate
Sunday in Beaverton – September 26th
1:30 pm - U8
2:30 – 4 pm - U9 – Skate
4 - 5:30 pm - U11 - Skate
5:30 – 7 pm - U13 - Tryout
7 - 8:30 pm - U15 - Skate
8:30 – 10 pm - U18 – Skate
To follow up on a previous email regarding the Township of Brock’s Vaccination Policy, which went into effect September 22nd, please find the procedure to enter the building below from the Township:
The Township of Brock has acquired security to mange the proof of vaccination. The procedure to enter the facility are as follows:
· Players and coaches will enter the facility, and record their name and phone number in the contact tracing binder. Once this step has been completed, individuals will continued to their assigned dressing rooms.
· Spectators will be asked to remain outdoors until 5 minutes prior to the ice time, to allow for the other spectators to exit the facility. Spectators enter the facility and will be asked by security to sign the contact tracing book with their name and phone number, as well as provide proof of full vaccination, and identification (photo id is not required). Once approved, spectators will be asked to proceed directly to the stands (no loitering in the lobby).
· At the end of the ice time, spectators are to exit the building and wait for their players outside (players who require assistance will be permitted to have one guardian re-enter the dressing room)
· Ice Use Protocols are still in place, a copy of the document is attached to this email.
For more information please check out the follow links:
Township of Brock’s Media Release – Patron Proof of COVID-19 Vaccination Policy: https://www.townshipofbrock.ca/en/news/media-release-patron-proof-of-covid-19-vaccination-policy.aspx
Township of Brock’s COVID-19 Page: https://www.townshipofbrock.ca/en/resident-services/covid-19.aspx
Proof of Vaccination Guidance for Businesses and Organizations under the Reopening Ontario Act: https://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/pro/programs/publichealth/coronavirus/docs/guidance_proof_of_vaccination_for_businesses_and_organizations.pdf
Please be reminded that this is a provincial mandate, and the Township has a responsibility to follow the guidelines provided.
We appreciate your patience and cooperation with staff and security as we implement this new requirement.
Please find a copy of the Flow Map for both Sunderland and Beaverton, Proof of Vaccination Policy and the Township of Brock Ice use Protocols for your reference.
Thank you,
Brock Minor Hockey Association Executive