Update to Arena COVID-19 Protocols, News (Brock Minor Hockey Association)

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Oct 26, 2021 | Matt Gross | 768 views
Update to Arena COVID-19 Protocols
Please find below the updated Protocols in place by Brock Township, for entry into all Brock Township Arena's for Practices or Games.

 Home and visiting hockey teams may bring a printed list of players and bench staff as a form of contact tracing.  The list must include phone numbers for each participant.  Once attendance is checked, these rosters/ lists must be submitted to the arena staff for inclusion in their blue contract tracing binder. 

Players and coaches do not have to sign in the book at the front door. 
Entry into the building is limited to 20 minutes before ice time. 
Associations are responsible for their own covid wellness screener. 
Players and bench staff will be directed to a change room and must wear masks inside the arena, including in the change rooms. Players may remove masks when they put on their helmets to go to the ice.
Bench staff must wear masks on the bench. 
Parents will be admitted to the arena once all players have entered.  Parents must show proof of vaccination and identification to the security guard at the door, and then must sign in the book for contact tracing. 

As designated by the Victoria Durham and Three County Hockey Leagues, there will be a gate fee of $4.00 for adults, and $2.00 for Teens and $1 for seniors. The limit for spectators has just been lifted,(today) so all parents and fans may attend games. 
Masks must be worn at all times by all spectators in the arena.  
Washrooms are available but spectators are asked to move directly to the bench seating and not remain in the lobby upon entry into the facility. Spectators may not gather or view the game from in the lobby.  
Spectators are asked to continue to follow all provincial safety guidelines while at the arena, such as physical distancing.  
Spectators are asked to exit the building immediately after the game.   All parents and players are to exit through the WEST DOOR, at both the Sunderland and Beaverton arenas.  There are maps of the entry and exit doors posted in each arena.  
Players and bench staff are to be out of the building 20 minutes after ice time please. 

For more details, the townships protocol document has been attached. 
