UPDATE: Hockey Canada Registry 3.0, News (Brock Minor Hockey Association)

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Sep 27, 2022 | Nicole Heggie | 741 views
UPDATE: Hockey Canada Registry 3.0
Please review your Hockey Canada Registry account ASAP.

As mentioned in prior BMHA communication, OMHA has updated the Hockey Canada Registry (HCR) to a new version, 3.0.  Please ensure that all information is complete as well as accurate in HCR as all BMHA communication being sent out is based on this information. We have been receiving many emails to update information in our system however we cannot update HCR for you. 

The HCR website can be found here: https://register.hockeycanada.ca/

Please also be aware that missing information may also cause issues when it comes time to roster your player(s) to a team.

Once your player’s HCR account has been updated, please reach out to myself, Nicole at [email protected] to let me know.


Thank you,

Nicole Heggie

BMHA Secretary
