UPDATE: Payment Schedule, News (Brock Minor Hockey Association)

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Jun 10, 2024 | Nicole Heggie | 352 views
UPDATE: Payment Schedule
Hello Brock Minor Hockey Families:

Thank you for registering your child with Brock Minor Hockey for the 2024-25 season.

Due to new regulations by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) and the Township of Brock, we must make changes regarding how we manage our Cash Calendar Lottery and collect our BMHA fees. 

We now must collect the $150 Fundraising Fee (only collected ONCE per family) as a separate payment from the Registration fees. 
Below you will find a revised payment plan separating the 2 amounts. 
The payment amount for each of the May-September payments on your first family member has been reduced by $30 per month to account for the separate $150.00 payment for the Fundraising fee. 
Please see below:
Payments can still be made by e-transfer to [email protected] (password: hockey) however the $150 Fundraising Fee now needs to be made as a separate payment from the rest of the Registration Fees.
We are truly sorry for the inconvenience and greatly appreciate your willingness to make this change to ensure we comply with the regulations set by the AGCO and the Township of Brock.
For those who have already paid the full registration and fundraising fee up front, no need to resubmit.  
For those who have not yet paid the 2024-25 fees, or who have made partial payment using the original payment schedule, please refer to the revised payment schedule (above) and adjust your future payments accordingly.  
If anyone needs assistance with this please feel free to reach out to our treasurer Dave Parry at treasurerbmha@gmail.com and he will be happy to assist. 
We would like to thank everyone for your understanding and cooperation.
Thank you.
The Brock Minor Hockey Registration Committee