Brock Minor Hockey Sponsorship
Brock Minor Hockey Association is a non-profit organization that provides youth from Brock Township the opportunity to play hockey in a positive and healthy environment. We provide multiple programs at various levels of play to ensure that hockey in Brock is possible for as many youth as possible.
There are many benefits to playing minor hockey. Participation on a hockey team builds social skills, improves self-esteem and physical fitness, increases academic success, and offers a greater sense of community. Minor hockey is one of the focal points of our community!
Dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to support and run our association. Our association is greatly assisted because of the generous support of our community businesses and team sponsors. This support ensures we can run successful hockey programs and player development.
Your sponsorship would show great community involvement. The costs of team uniforms and ice purchases continue to increase and recruiting new kids to keep the game alive and running skills development programs, all require a tremendous amount of funding to operate our program; as such, we are looking to our community for sponsorships.
There are many benefits to becoming a sponsor!
Why Sponsor?
It provides our township’s children with an opportunity to become physically active and be part of a team.
Sponsorship plays a critical role in providing funding for our programs, player development and support of families in need.
Having your company or business name associated with a minor sports program resonates with customers and clients.
Hockey families and community members almost always end up dedicated supporters of community-based businesses.
Interested? Please download and review the Sponsorship Package Below, and email a filled-out copy of the sign-up page per the instructions at the top of the form.
Brock Wild 2022-2023 Platinum "Association" Sponsor: