Mar 22, 2017 | Ron Torrance | 731 views
Game 1 vs Manvers
A big vat of wd40 is what was needed for our boys last night, as they shook of some rust after 2 weeks of no games. The first period and a half saw a 0-0 tie, but Aiden helped big time with making sure that it stayed that way as Manvers had tons of chances. Footie opened the scoring on a hustle play started by Noah, who beat a Manvers player to the puck, shot, and Footie was there to bury the rebound. Manvers tied it, then went ahead as Sawyer picked a bad time to take his first penalty of the year (phantom call by ref). Manvers struck again and the Boys heads were hanging until Vaughn rifled one in from the point, and Clayton connected top shelf to tie it up and send it to OT. Unfortunately, we ended up on the wrong side of the score.