Mar 24, 2017 | Ron Torrance | 1370 views
Game 3 vs Manvers
The boys were pumped to get this game going! There was an air of confidence in the dressing room that was certainly not there at the beginning of the year. They played an awesome first period, with Vaughn getting his second goal in the series on the power play at 2:14 of the first. This started a scoring spurt, as Manvers tied it and then Footie scored to put us ahead before the end of the period. The second period saw manvers tie tie early, and then Footie put us ahead again before the period was over. A tight third saw manvers tie it up early and even though we had our chances, we couldnt bury another, so overtime it was for the 2nd time in 3 games. The boys fought hard with Noah and Karts getting some really good chances, but in the end it wasnt meant to be.